Ruby Falls
by Deborah Goodrich Royce with Cover Art by Melanie Willhide
Psychological thriller
Publisher: Post Hill Press
Number of Pages: 304
Language: English
Like the chilling psychological thriller The Silent Patient, Deborah Goodrich Royce’s Ruby Falls is a nail-biting tale of a fragile young actress, the new husband she barely knows, and her growing suspicion that the secrets he harbors may eclipse her own.
Maps for Jackie
by Jason Labbe (Author) with Cover and Interior Art by Melanie Willhide
Poetry Book
Publisher: BlazeVOX (books)
Rectangle 6 x 0.28 x 8 inches
Number of Pages: 112
Language: English
”Poetry's natural habitat is one of detail, radiant or tarnished, an intimate geography that draws us close to where presence is an act of perception: world into word. In Maps for Jackie, Jason Labbe navigates a terrain of singular encounters and incidents, tactile, luminous and animated by the sensuous abrasions and comforts of the heartmind as they touch down on his, and our, present: white leaf is like a moth / wing I'd fix to her shoulder." —Ann Lauterbach
Spleen Elegy
by Jason Labbe (Author) with Cover and Interior Art by Melanie Willhide
Poetry book
Publisher: BlazeVOX (books)
Rectangle 6 x 0.28 x 8 inches
Number of Pages: 102
Language: English
“Let’s twin and twine together two primary aspects of how America can see herself—the good atoms of Whitman’s leaves of grass, and the engines humming their freedom on the highways that cut across those 19th century fields. Now, Jason Labbe well knows, as Whitman’s atoms become pixels, we find ourselves at a crossroads, learning again and again the consequences of “the indescribable way you shape / a past of little use.” Seeking to find that law or logic to shattering, be it in the memory-echo of personal trauma caught on infinite loop in the mind, or be it the dismal virtualities of the post-modern ether, the poems of Spleen Elegy unfold their rueful nostalgia: “I have something accurate to say that lacks perspective.” That may well be the very accuracy we most need, riding the routes of America, the byways and frontage roads, seeking anyone who is willing for a poem or two to see. —Dan Beachy-Quick